Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Upredictable Christianity

So have you ever had those moments when you thought; if my faith just looked like that it would be so exciting? Or I wish I could have experienced being one of Jesus 12 disciples (Minus Judas of course). I was thinking allot about that today as I have been reading through the book of Acts. I sometimes wonder what it would take for me to really live out my faith like Peter, James or John. I think what if I had the determination of Paul or the preaching ability of Apollos. But then I realize God gave us this amazing book of Acts not to wonder if or how but to realize that he has a NOW for you and me. That today if I will open up my eyes, if I will choose to seek my Savior in prayer, in the bible, if I will worship him while I drive in my car, If i will choose to be open to Him at any given moment. Then I will live the exciting adventure of Acts today! Not as a passive inspired observer but as a first hand participant. So I challenge you read through the book of Acts this month and ask yourself; what NOW is Jesus calling me to today? 

Hope this encourages you, now go and live the Dream!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dealing with Life

This last few weeks has been crazy for me. Allot of uncertainty allot of "really God... where did that come from?" and in the midst of it I somehow still have a real and lasting peace. In my devotions today I came across this scripture

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
   neither are your ways my ways,”
            declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
   so are my ways higher than your ways
   and my thoughts than your thoughts.

It reminded me of the truth we have to come face to face with as Christians. If God knows everything, if he loves us and has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11-14),  if he uses everything for our good (Romans 8:28), then nothing that happens to us can be an accident! Does that mean he wants us to go through difficult things? No, not anymore than a parent wants their child to fall off their bike and hurt themselves. However it does mean that God in his love and grace uses our hurts to make us who he has called us to be. Show me someone who has been though no hardship as a Christ follower and I will show you someone who has not yet matured in Christ. So take the crazy leap of faith and next time things seem unfair or painful, even out of control,  thank God that he loves you enough to use it to form you into the man or women of God he has called you to be.

Love you and believe in you,
Pastor Jason

Give me some feedback and lets talk about this scripture